Fatemeh Hosseini is an Iranian filmmaker and visual artist whose artistic practice focuses on humanity’s search for inner meaning. Her work endeavors to explore memories that are part of everyone's consciousness through time as a true concept with a specific direction that transcends its scientific and finite origins. She earned her BFA and MFA in Painting from the University of Tehran and Alzahra University in Iran, and MA in Motion Graphics from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Hosseini's fine arts background has significantly impacted her poetic style both in filmmaking and visual art.
Aside from her years of experience as a painting and sculpture instructor and commissioned artist for beautification projects within Tehran, she has made several nominated and award-winning short films and has assisted on feature film and television productions in Georgia. Hosseini’s work has been included in several exhibitions featured at the University of Tehran and Alzahra University in Iran. Her new series of paintings – a collection entitled “The Wind” -  is on tour and was featured in a group exhibition in Artspace Gallery in Louisiana along with two other female Iranian artists. Her work is selected to be featured in a 2024 edition of New American Paintings Magazine. 
Hosseini currently serves as a Film and Storyboarding Professor at The Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia, where she has held multiple workshops on the craft of visual storytelling through use of the cinematic image.